The Miceli farm is a young, sustainable family-owned business in the heart of Sicily. In our family the farming activity goes back to several generations, however besides the traditional olive-, wheat, vegetable- and fruit production nowadays our tasks have significantly expanded. For more than a decade we have been following vegan organic farming methods under rigorously controlled rules and in 2015 we managed to create a food processing plant. We exclusively deal with the production and the processing of vegetables and fruits. We don’t use products of animal origin in any production or process within our company. Our philosophy is based on respect for living beings, that’s why we have chosen not to keep animals on the farm. We think that every living being must live its life freely.

Our farm is located halfway between Palermo and Agrigento in a little town called Castronovo di Sicilia. This area is the part of the Sicani Mountains (Monti Sicani) which is relevant due to its position in the heart of the island and it’s an unpolluted region with unique biodiversity and excellent fresh air. Its fauna is very rich with many birds of prey such as the Bonelli eagle, and many hares and foxes living here.

In the food processing plant or as we call it in the “laboratorio” we produce a variety of artisanal food specialities from local seasonal vegetables and fruits. We don’t focus on increasing industrial volumes, but we pay attention to the true quality of products. We belive in producing smaller quantity but excellent quality.

In late summer, from mid-August to October we process tomatoes. We harvest the tomatoes and we make tomato preserves like tomato sauces and peeled tomatoes. In autumn, in October and November we dedicate ourselves to the olive harvest, we make extra virgin olive oil from most of the olives, moreover we store a small part of them in brine and later we put them in bottles as black olives or we process them into delicious olive cream. At the end of November we also take saffron spice, which is a rather demaning task. In winter, we make citrus jams from oranges, mandarins, lemons, grapefruits; in spring and summer we make artichoke cream, aubergine stew and cream, as well as grilled aubergine, zucchini and pepper. Our work is very varied, in every season we have a lot of task to do.